

北弗吉尼亚社区学院致力于为残疾人提供平等的就业和教育机会. 皇冠博彩认识到,个人残疾可能需要合理的住宿,有平等有效的机会参与或受益于教育计划, 服务和活动,并有平等的就业机会. 皇冠博彩应遵守所有适用的联邦和州法律, 规定, 以及关于为合格的残疾人提供平等就业机会和平等参与项目所需的合理便利的指导方针.

学院有响应工作场所住宿请求的程序,使学院能够及时处理请求, 公平高效的方式. The 程序 also provide guidance to employees with dis能力 on how to request accommodations and what to expect.

Students who wish to request accommodations for a disability, please see 住宿和无障碍服务.


北弗吉尼亚社区学院 is committed to providing equal employment opportunities for persons with dis能力. 根据《皇冠体育》和1973年《皇冠体育》第504条,皇冠博彩为合格的残疾雇员提供合理的便利.

学院有响应工作场所住宿请求的程序,使学院能够及时处理请求, 公平高效的方式. The 程序 also provide guidance to employees with dis能力 on how to request accommodations and what to expect.



    1. Any physical or mental impairment that 实质性的ly limits one or more major life activities; or
    2. Having a record of such an impairment; or
    3. 被认为有这种缺陷的.

主要生活活动 是否被定义为照顾自己之类的功能, 执行手动任务, 走, 看到, 听力, 说话, 呼吸, 学习, 工作与休闲.

大大限制了 意味着 when one is unable to perform a major life activity that the average person can perform; or when one is significantly restricted in the manner or duration under which one can perform a particular major life activity as compared to the average person.

有残疾的合格个人 残障人士是否符合技能要求, 经验, 教育, 以及其他与职位相关的要求, 和谁, 有或没有合理的住宿, 能履行工作的基本职能吗.

基本功能 are those 工作职责 that are fundamental and central to the purpose of the position. 皇冠博彩为合格的残疾员工提供合理的便利,使员工能够完成他们工作的基本功能, but never exempts employees with dis能力 from having to perform the essential functions of their jobs.


      • 这个职位的存在就是为了履行这个职能,
      • There are a limited number of employees available who could perform that function, or
      • 这个功能是高度专门化的.

Factors in determining whether a task is an essential function include:

      • 雇主的判断;
      • Position description written before the job was advertised and filled;
      • 员工执行该职能所花费的时间;
      • Functions performed by others in the same or similar job classifications;
      • 现任和前任在职人员所做的工作;
      • Consequences if this position did not perform the function; and
      • 可以执行该功能的可用员工的数量.

边际函数 are useful job responsibilities that are not central to the purpose of the position. 可以在不破坏该职位的基本目的的情况下重新分配这些职能,并可以分配其他边际职责以平衡工作量.

合理的住宿 指修改或调整实践, 程序, 政策, 工作职责, or the work environment so that a qualified individual with a disability can perform a position's essential functions, 和/或享有平等的就业机会. Reasonable accommodation will be implemented as long as it is medically necessary (i.e., there is competent medical evidence establishing a relationship between the disability and the need for accommodation), 也不会给学院带来不必要的困难.

不必要的困难 意味着, 除此之外, 非常昂贵, 广泛的, 实质性的, 或者破坏性修改, or one that would fundamentally alter the nature or operation of the institution or program.

  1. 有残疾的个人有责任要求学院提供合理的便利,并提供残疾的证明文件, 如果有必要的话. 住宿要求应尽早提出,以便有时间评估请求并提供合理的住宿. 请求应提交给《皇冠体育》协调员.
  2. 住宿要求应以书面形式提出. When requesting an accommodation, the College strongly encourages the use of its 住宿申请表格.
    1. 状态:状态及其持续时间;
    2. 疾病造成的限制以及这些限制如何影响员工履行工作的基本职能;
    3. 员工和/或员工的医疗专业人员认为的住宿将使员工能够履行工作的基本职能.
  3. 如果残疾和对住宿的需要都很明显,并且所要求的合理住宿不会造成不适当的困难, in order to eliminate unnecessary delay in providing the reasonable accommodation, the employee may make a request for reasonable accommodation to his or her supervisor. The supervisor may provide the reasonable accommodation after discussing the request with the employee. The supervisor should document in writing the request and the reasonable accommodation provided. 该文件应转发给ADA协调员.
  4. 当一个人的残疾不明显时, 这种残疾以前没有记录, and/or the reasonableness of an accommodation request is not obvious, the College will ask the employee to provide medical documentation of his or her disability.
  5. 提出住宿要求的员工是必需的, 除此之外, to cooperate throughout the accommodation process by attending meetings to discuss the employee's accommodation needs, 及时提供最新医疗信息, 并提供技能证明文件, 能力, 培训, 和/或工作经验, 按照要求.

  1. 当残疾不明显时, 要求住宿的员工将被要求提供医生或其他合格的医疗保健专业人员的文件,说明员工的功能限制. The statement must be from a licensed practitioner (medical, clinical psychologist, etc.),并有资格对该残疾作出评估. 文件必须是最新的(不超过三年).
  2. 员工应提供 医疗专业人员的残疾证明文件 连同雇员的EWP副本寄给他/她的医疗服务提供者. The EWP may be obtained from the employee’s supervisor or Human 资源.
    ADA协调员可以接受其他书面文件, 但必须至少包括以下信息:
    1. 状态:状态及其持续时间;
    2. 条件所造成的限制;
    3. how it impacts the performance of the essential functions of the individual’s job; and
    4. 雇员及/或雇员的医生/医疗专业人员认为可使雇员履行工作的基本职能的住宿条件.
  3. To the extent possible and in accordance with applicable laws and 规定, 关于个人残疾的存在或性质的所有信息都被视为机密医疗记录,并以安全的方式保存, apart from personnel files and with access restricted to designated personnel on a need to know basis.

  1. 《皇冠体育》协调员将审查医疗文件,以确定该雇员是否为合格的残疾人.
  2. 如果是这样的话, 《皇冠体育》协调员将评估所要求的住宿或替代住宿如何允许员工履行该职位的基本职能. The ADA Coordinator may consult with the employee’s supervisor and other knowledgeable sources as necessary.
  3. 员工和ADA协调员应该参与一个合作和互动的过程,目标是就合理的住宿达成协议.
  4. ADA协调员将考虑请求者的偏好. The final determination of appropriate accommodations rests with 皇冠博彩 based on the review of all the provided documentation.
  5. When accommodations are granted, the ADA Coordinator will complete the ADA批准表格,记录所提供的住宿.
  6. 如果学院确定不可能容纳员工在其目前的职位上,员工可以至少工作一半或更多, the College will attempt to place the employee in a vacant position that meets the following requirements:
    1. the position has the comparable or lower salary range or grade as the current position;
    2. the employee meets the position's minimum qualifications and special skill requirements; and,
    3. the employee is able to perform the position's essential functions with or without accommodation.
    学院不需要设立新的职位, 取代其他员工, 或者提供晋升作为住宿的一种形式. 职位通常是相同的类型(例如.g.(定期的、每小时的或皇冠体育的).
  7. 如果员工无法入住, 包括放置在替代位置, the employee will be separated from College employment after the employee's entitlements under the 家庭 and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), 如果有任何, 是疲惫的.

  1. 没有情有可原的情节, 合理便利的请求应在《皇冠体育》协调员收到请求和医疗文件后15个工作日内处理.
  2. 如果处理请求有延迟, ADA协调员应书面通知员工ADA协调员预计流程完成的日期.

  1. 在一般情况下, 为员工提供合理住宿的相关费用来自特定学院部门或项目的常规运营预算. Departments should consider that accommodations will be needed from time to time and should plan accordingly in their budget process.
  2. The College may determine that providing an accommodation would cause undue hardship. 以下标准, 虽然不是一个详尽的清单, 可在确定不适当的困难时加以考虑:
    1. 所需住宿的性质和净费用;
    2. 所涉及的项目的总体资源和结构, 以及所要求的住宿对他们的影响;
    3. the overall financial resources of the College with respect to the number of employees and the number, 类型, and location of its facilities; and
    4. 住宿对项目运行的影响, 包括对其他员工履行职责能力的影响,以及对学院开展业务能力的影响.
  3. Before concluding that a particular accommodation would impose an undue hardship, the College will consider whether there are alternative accommodations that would not constitute an undue hardship.

  1. 住宿后30天内, the ADA Coordinator will consult with the employee and supervisor to assess their effectiveness. The ADA Coordinator will document the result of the assessment on the Accommodation Worksheet and Evaluation Form.
  2. 《皇冠体育》协调员可以根据需要对员工住宿进行审查,以确定是否需要更新文件,以及住宿是否仍然适当和充分. 员工或主管都可以要求这样的审查.
  3. 残疾人士, 是否接受住宿, are held to the same standards of conduct and job performance as other employees.

  1. 认为自己因残疾而受到歧视,或认为合理便利的要求遭到不公平拒绝的员工, 可以向平等机会官员提出投诉或使用适用的教职员工申诉程序来解决投诉.